Are You Aware of The New SECURE Act Provisions?

Aegis Retirement Partners is dedicated to keeping our clients up-to-speed on all of the latest SECURE Act news. Here’s the latest:

The SECURE ACT (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) was signed into law on December 20, 2019.  Recent CARES Act legislation passed to deliver relief to those impacted by Covid-19 may have upstaged the SECURE Act, but it is important to be aware of the new provisions.

Automatic Enrollment Deferral Limits Increase

Automatic enrollment (AE) plans were first introduced to plan sponsors in the Pension Protection Act (PPA) legislation passed back in 2006.  The popularity and utilization of automatic enrollment among 401(k) Plans continues to grow, and resulted in positive improvements in plan usage.

Under PPA, the maximum automatic enrollment deferral escalation was 10%.  The SECURE Act increases the cap to 15% of eligible compensation.  Plan Sponsors may take advantage of the new “maximum” cap for plan years beginning after 12/31/19.

Safe Harbor Adoption Timing Changes

A safe harbor plan is a great solution for Plan Sponsors looking to eliminate problems caused by testing failures.  One challenge, however, has been to identify potential testing issues early, because safe harbor plans are required to be adopted at least 30 days prior to plan year-end.  For testing problems identified after the end of a year, there has been no relief, until now!

To eliminate testing problems, The SECURE Act legislation permits Plan Sponsors to adopt a 4% nonelective safe harbor contribution as late as 12 months after the plan year ends.  It is important to clarify that this is not a safe harbor “match,” the 4% contribution must be made to all eligible plan participants.

Changes to Minimum Required Distributions (MRD)

The SECURE Act changed the age for MRD to Age 72. This regulation goes into effect on 01/01/2020. Participant’s under age 70.5 prior to 01/01/2020 will not be required to take their minimum required distribution until they attain 72 years of age.

If a participant is age 70.5 or older prior to 01/01/2020, and has already taken a MRD’s in a prior year, they are required to continue taking minimum required distributions (2020 CARES Act exemption not-withstanding).  Participant’s born after 07/01/1949 are subject to the new age 72 regulation.

Upcoming as of 01/01/2021– Long-term part-time employees will have a coverage requirement

This provision of the SECURE Act legislation is meant to provide some retirement plan access to long-term part-time employees who might otherwise be completely excluded from participation by the plan’s eligibility rules.

Beginning in 2021, employees who complete at least 500 hours of service for three consecutive eligibility (calendar year) periods are called “long-term part-time employees.”  Long-term part-time employees may not be excluded from making employee deferrals.  While they must be permitted to make deferrals, they may be required to meet traditional eligibility rules in order to qualify for any employer contributions.

If long-term part-time employees are permitted to receive employer contributions, separate vesting rules will apply using a 500-hour rule, instead of the traditional 1,000-hour requirement, which will require additional administrative & recordkeeping support for tracking.

Since the initial tracking period for long-term part-time employees begins in 2021, the first coverage period will not happen until 2024 (third consecutive eligibility period).

Withdrawal for birth or adoption of a child

The SECURE Act established a new form of distribution after 12/31/2019 for expenses related to Birth or Adoption of a Child.  The distribution must be taken within 1 year of the birth/finalization of an adoption. The maximum distribution amount is $5,000. This new provision applies to Defined Contribution, 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), Gov’t 457, and IRA’s.  The distribution would be exempt from the 10% excise tax penalty traditionally enforced on premature distributions.

Adoption of a Qualified plan up to tax return timeline change

The SECURE Act increases the length of time Employers may adopt a qualified plan and still deduct contributions, up to the due date of the employer’s tax return, including extensions.  Contributions are limited to employer contributions only, (no employee deferrals) prior to the adoption date of the plan.

Tax benefits for startups

The SECURE Act increased the Small Employer Startup Credit to entice more Small Employers (less than 100 employees) to sponsor a qualified retirement plan.  The new credit is the lesser of 50% of startup costs, the greater of $500, or the lesser of $250 times the number of Non-Highly Compensated Employees (NHCE), or $5,000.  The calculation is complicated, but here is an example:

A startup company with 30 Non-Highly Compensated Employees and startup costs of $12,000

Step 1. 30 NHCE’s X $250 = $7,500

Step 2. Lesser of Step 1 or $5,000 = $5,000

Step 3. Greater of Step 2 or $500 = $5,000

Step 4. Lesser of Step 3 or 50% of start-up costs = $5000


Please consult with your tax professional for additional details.

Updated Penalties

The IRS has increased its penalties for late filings.

  • Form 5500- increased from $25/day to $250/day, capped at $150,000
  • Form 8955-SSA- increased from $1/day to $10/day per participant, capped at $50,000
  • Withholding notice – increased from $1/day to $10/day per participant, capped at $50,000

The SECURE ACT clearly has a significant impact on the retirement world, and has broadened several plan provisions to add flexibility for plan sponsors.

Aegis Retirement Partners strives to provide the best customer service and the strongest plan design to our clients. If you are interested in more information on the SECURE Act, and what the new regulations will mean for you, please reach out to your dedicated account manager.

Questions about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)? Here’s the latest clarification:

The CARES ACT created a new small business loan program called the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which allows small businesses to obtain a loan to help cover payroll and business costs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. One of the main features of the PPP loan is that qualifying expenses incurred during the 8-week period provided by the PPP are eligible for full forgiveness as long as certain benchmarks are met. PPP funding that is not utilized during the eligible period, or falls into an ineligible expense category, is subject to loan provisions set forth by the Small Business Association (SBA), which include a 6 month delay period on the first repayment, and an interest rate of 1%.

The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (PPPFA) of 2020 was approved by the House on May 28, 2020, the Senate on June 4, 2020, and president on June 5, 2020. This Act is designed to enhance the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that was enacted under the CARES Act.

Highlights of the PPPFA are:

  • Extended forgiveness period – moving from 8 weeks to 24 weeks
  • Extend the June 30 rehiring and loan forgiveness deadline to December 31, 2020
  • Increases the current limitation of forgiveness on non-payroll related expenses from 25% to 40%
  • Extend the loan terms from two years to five years
  • Allow for full access to payroll tax deferment

Now that the PPPFA has been signed into law, the new SBA guidance will state that 60% of the total loan obtained through the PPP must be used towards authorized payroll costs to be eligible for full forgiveness. Included in these payroll costs is “The employer share of certain retirement benefits for employees.”  As of today, there has been NO guidance as to what constitutes the employer share of retirement benefits for employees, and not all retirement plan contributions are eligible.

Questions about whether this includes discretionary contributions, like certain match or profit-sharing plans, or only non-discretionary safe harbor types of contributions, are impossible to answer with certainty. New guidance based on the recently released PPP loan forgiveness form may allow certain 2019 employer contributions, made in the covered period, to be forgiven as part of the payroll cost. More information on this will be communicated as it becomes available.

Aegis Retirement Partners is continuing to monitor the situation as it unfolds and is committed to staying at the forefront of legislative changes to better serve our clients. In the meantime, we are happy to have this discussion with you if you are preparing your PPP loan forgiveness application. We also want to encourage you to contact your accountant and/or attorney for their interpretation if you plan to use PPP funding for qualified plan expenses.

If you have questions or would like to discuss specifics as it relates to your plan, please do not hesitate to contact your Aegis representative.

Partial Plan Terminations? Important Information For Plan Sponsors From Aegis Retirement Partners

With an increasing number of businesses currently being affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, Plan Sponsors are facing new challenges. Many sponsors are taking unfortunate, but necessary steps to weather these events, such as suspending or reducing employer contributions, or laying off and furloughing employees. As a result, Partial Plan Terminations are becoming more common. If you are a Plan Sponsor who offers an employer contribution which is subject to a vesting schedule, there are important rules you should be aware of.

What is a Partial Plan Termination?

Though the Internal Revenue Code does not specifically define what constitutes a Partial Plan Termination, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will examine each case by the facts and circumstances looking for a significant reduction in the number of participants in the plan.

The two main factors that the IRS uses to make its determination are:

  • Percentage of reduction in participants
    • If the reduction is over 40%, it should be presumed that a partial plan termination has occurred.
    • If the reduction is less than 40%, but at least 20%, there is a rebuttable presumption that a partial plan termination has occurred. This determination has come down on both sides of the line.
    • If the reduction is less than 20%, there is a rebuttable presumption that a partial plan termination has not occurred.
  • Facts and Circumstances
    • Who is involved (vested and non-vested participants)?
    • Who initiated the terminations and what was the reason?
      • Even if an employee voluntarily terminated, they may still be counted toward the 20% benchmark if they did so with the belief they were going to be terminated.
    • What is the period of time?
    • Other significant facts or circumstances.


Consequences to a Partial Plan Termination

If your plan is deemed to have a Partial Plan Termination, all affected participants become immediately 100% vested in their funded benefits.


Why can this be an issue?

If an affected participant received a distribution from the plan prior to the determination, they may have been paid out with a portion of their employer contribution balance improperly forfeited.

These forfeited amounts, which may have been utilized to reduce employer contributions, or pay plan related expenses, are now due to the participant along with potential earnings assessed through the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS).  See Fixing Common Plan Mistakes –  Vesting Errors in Defined Contribution Plans for more information.

What can be done to make sure this is handled the right way?

There are two widely accepted options:

  1. Immediately 100% vest all participants utilizing EPCRS for any participant affected with prior termination dates, and ensure that proper distributions are processed.
  2. Seek IRS determination. The IRS will review the relevant facts and circumstances to determine whether a partial plan termination has occurred. This involves filing the Form 5300, which also has a IRS filing fee, along with any preparation fees to your plan provider.

Are there any special changes or exemptions due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

As of the date of this writing, there is no special relief due to COVID-19.

Many employers have asked whether rehiring all the participants who were laid off means a partial plan termination can be reversed. There are arguments for both sides of this issue. The conservative approach would be to fully vest participants, understanding the cost of doing so would be to forgo any forfeitures of non-vested employer contribution accounts, and follow EPCRS guidance if necessary.

Partial Plan Terminations can be very confusing, and the regulations surrounding them are vague.  Luckily, you are not alone. By engaging with your Third Party Administrator, Legal Counsel, and Tax Advisor, you can determine whether or not you have had a partial plan termination.  At Aegis Retirement Partners, we will work directly with our clients to ensure that whatever action is taken is appropriate in light of current legislation.

This document provides general information and shouldn’t be considered recommendations or legal advice.

For additional information, please visit the IRS website at